Tuesday, September 25, 2012

someday bro...


 pictures taken from google.com

These are pictures of Vesak day celebration in Borobudur, Indonesia.
Someday I will go there and capture these beautiful breathtaking moments by myself. *self-promise* :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Aries-Taurus Cusp

Pasti pada suka dong baca ramalan bintang alias zodiak di majalah? Tinggal liat zodiak mana yang sesuai sama tanggal lahir, dan baca deh. Sayangnya ada beberapa tanggal yang zodiaknya ga jelas. Salah satunya adalah tanggal lahir gue, 20 April. hahaha. Ada yang bilang kalo 20 April itu zodiaknya Aries. Tapi ga sedikit juga majalah yang nulis kalo 20 April itu udah masuk Taurus. Nah jadilah gue manusia yang labil zodiaknya. Kalo baca zodiak di majalah, kadang ya gue baca dua-duanya aja. hahahaha. 

Nah karena penasaran, jadilah gue ngegooglein hal ini. Ternyata ada beberapa situs yang bilang kalo ada yang namanya cusp. Apa itu cusp? Kalo kata wikipedia:  

In astrology, a cusp is the imaginary line that separates a pair of consecutive signs in the zodiac or houses in the horoscope.

Lebih simpelnya, menurut starlightastrology.com, cusp itu blending of the signs. Jadi lo bisa punya sifat yang merupakan gabungan dari 2 zodiak yang berdekatan. In my case, Aries-Taurus. Dan ga cuma ada aries taurus, semua yang lahirnya di "perbatasan" zodiak itu bisa punya bawaan cusp ini. Terus menurut website ini juga Being born on the Cusp makes you a unique personality, with your ruling signs and influences bringing anomalies into your personality and emotions, so when reading the GENERALIZED Zodiac explanations as found on this or other sites, or books, ALWAYS read the reference for BOTH signs and you will see what I mean. Yaa ini sih percaya ga percaya ya..ada yang bilang bener ada yang engga. ya buat seru-seruan aja :)

Buat yang senasib sama gue..ini ada penjelasan tentang orang yang lahirnya di Aries-Taurus cusp. enjoy! 

The Aries/Taurus Cusp is approximately from dates April 16 to April 26 and is ruled by both Mars and Earth with the elements of fire and earth. Individuals born during this time period may be referred to as "Arus". The Arian/Taurean is thought to be humorous, sensitive, money-oriented, nice, active, dynamic, talented, quiet, sensual, strong, opinionated, bold, flirtatious, sexual, eloquent, stable, dependable, helpful, practical, hard-working, ambivert, patient, athletic, aggressive, perseverance, and initiative. The Arian/Taurean is prone to be aloof, quarrelsome, trouble-maker, phony, stubborn, hyper-sensitive, jealous, high-strung, moody, changeability, fickle, and head strong. Also known as the Cusp of Power.

Aries/Taurus (April 19 to April 23)

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It represents birth and the first realization of self. Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, moves beyond what is represented by Aries. Taurus begins to physically explore the world. Aries tend to display strong leadership, and their extroverted and assertive nature lets them eagerly lead the new cycle of the zodiac.
Taurus tends to be richly sensual, enjoying the good things in life and the physical pleasures that come with them. Together, these two astrological signs denote an active and dynamic pioneer who responds to the world by examining the worth of each possible response. The ability to follow through and complete projects that others may have abandoned through boredom or because it was too difficult is blended with the sign of new beginnings. This promises a tremendous amount of fulfilling adventure and achievement for those born on the Aries/Taurus cusp.

The astrological symbol of Aries is the Ram. Like the popular conception of the Ram, Aries people are able to accomplish a lot by sheer energy and force of will, ramming their way to their goals. In this way, Aries exemplifies the cardinal quality assigned to it. The astrological symbol of Taurus is the Bull. The term “bullheaded” applies to Taurus in both its positive and negative connotations, and Taurus exemplifies the fixed quality assigned to it.
The Aries/Taurus can be blunt, and they are bold and strong. They are among the strongest combination of signs when it comes to meeting goals because of their reliable persistence. Those born under the influence of both astrological signs are able to initiate and successfully complete projects and activities.

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. In ancient Roman mythology, Mars (and his Greek equivalent, Aries) was the god of war. He was bold, aggressive, energetic and courageous. On the negative side, he was impulsive, compulsive and quick-tempered, and he could give in to anger and a will for destruction. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. In Roman mythology, Venus (and her Greek equivalent, Aphrodite) was the goddess of love, beauty and pleasure. She represented joy, happiness and appreciation of beautiful things.
On the negative side, Venus’s appreciation for sweets and luxury could result in overindulgence. Mars was active and high-spirited, full of physical energy and vitality; the Aries/Taurus-born reflect his leadership and initiative. They are strongly independent and determined and have the physical stamina to stay their course. They have a great love for culture. It's important for them to feel good.
They often maintain extensive art collections and tend to be artistic themselves, sometimes through singing. They enjoy partnership and marriage, and use their charm -- as well as their focused perseverance -- to work toward harmony and personal security. An individual born on the Aries/Taurus cusp has the potential for great satisfaction in life, thanks to the balance of great action and great will.

The element associated with Aries is Fire, and the element associated with Taurus is Earth. Fire signs are physical beings who tend to respond to the world through action. Earth signs tend to respond to the world by examining the worth of each possible response. The combination of these two elements provides a solid foundation to pioneer uncharted territories.

The Aries/Taurus tends to want what they want, when they want it. The Aries side of their character needs to accept that this isn't always possible and stop butting their heads, ram-like, into the nearest wall. Aries/Taurus people can also be extremely patient and dependable. Their ambition ensures that they are hardworking and helpful to others. The blending of their elements, earth and fire, gives them a general focus on building things and seeing their ideas through to completion. However, the fixed opinions of the Aries/Taurus can be surprisingly unchangeable, even when they have discovered a flaw in their logic.

In their leisure time, Aries/Taurus tend to play as hard as they work at the office. They greatly enjoy athletics, as sports give them a positive and healthy outlet for some of their natural aggression. They appreciate both individual challenge, especially aerobics, as well as the group challenge of football and soccer. Aries/Taurus tend to enjoy outdoor activities, such as hiking, that allow them to get close to the earth. Conversely, their appreciation of art and culture sends them to the opera and exclusive galleries. The Aries/Taurus cusp individual could possibly be an expert rock climber, kayaker or skier. Intense activity and drive channeled through a great love and respect for the natural beauty of the outdoors is often seen with this astrological aspect.

The great strength of the Aries/Taurus-born is in their energy, initiative and courage. Their ability to take a project and go with it is unparalleled. Their more earthy side brings out their stability and perseverance. Methodical determination enables them to be productive when others have long since given up. With the combination of fire and earth, they are one of the most dynamic, stable and passionate characters of the zodiac.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Hari ini, genap seminggu gigi gue ditemani sebaris behel. hahahaha. yak sejak minggu lalu gue pasang behel lagi nih di gigi bawah. Penyebabnya adalah gigi gue yang super bandel dan ngegeser lagi posisinya. Jadi, dulu tahun 2004 sebenernya gue udah pernah pasang behel, atas bawah, sampe tahun 2009 sebelum gue ke bandung. Pas dilepas dulu ya giginya udah bagus. Celah gara-gara ada 2 gigi bawah gue yang dicabut juga udah nutup semua. Nahh jumat lalu, gue ikut nyokap ke dokter gigi. Sebenernya cuma mau periksa aja, siapa tau ada yang bolong. Eh begitu diliat, ternyata gigi bawahnya udah amburadul! celah bekas gigi yang dicabut dulu juga ikut kebuka lagi. Dokter gigi gue yang orang Surabaya itu pun langsung ngocehhhh panjang lebar suruh pasang behel lagi. hahahaha.

Sekarang, gue harus ngebiasain diri lagi sama behel ini. Pas hari pertama masang, beuhh sakitnya bukan main. 3 hari pertama belom bisa makan nasi. gue cuma makan misoa sama bubur. gigit hakau aja ga bisa. udah kayak nenek-nenek. hahaha. Yang paling nyebelin dari berbehel itu adalah makanan yang hobi bener nyangkut di behel. Sejauh pengalaman dulu make bahel, makanan yang paling sering nyangkut itu roti, apel (yang langsung digigit ya), sama jagung bakar (utuh). Dulu gue pernah makan jagung bakar sampe 1 jam saking ribetnya, terus sampe sekarang jadi keterusan males makan jagung bakar. hihihi. Gak cuma itu, makanan yang keras macem kerupuk juga harus dihindarin. Kalo ga, siap-siap aja bracket bisa patah. *ini juga pengalaman =p* Sekarang gue juga bawa tusuk gigi kemana-mana. Jaga-jaga kalo ada makanan nyangkut. hahaha.

nah ini nih nyebelinnya!

Belom jelas berapa lama gue bakal pake behel ini, semoga jangan lama-lama banget deh. Jangan bandel-bandel ya gigi..nurut dong biar cepet rapih :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012


September kawans. Udah semester 7 sekarang. Kuliah yang dulu rasanya lamaaa ga beres-beres eh udah tinggal 2 semester lagi :( Harusnya ini saatnya semangat penghabisan buat kuliah. Tapi kok gue malah gitu-gitu aja ya. Apa karena saking gabutnya gitu malah jadi kebawa males? emang sih, kebetulan mata kuliah yang rempong naujubile udah diambil semester-semester kemaren, jadi sekarang agak-agak gabut keterlaluan. ga mau lebay tapi I'm feeling empty. cieelah gaya abis ya. eh tapi serius gimana inii. pengen ada kerjaan. kok aneh banget rasanya beres kuliah ga ada kerja kelompok ato apa kek. Abis kuliah bisa langsung pulang, bobo siang. Malem yang biasa bikin tugas, sekarang bisa nonton dengan santainya. Bahkan tadi gue abis nonton marathon pirates of the caribbean di fox movies premium. Kegabutan macam ini sangat tidak mahasiswa-i! hahahaha. Otak jadi ga kepake maksimal gini, ntar kalo makin males mikir, terus makin lemot gimana nih.. *si songong asal bikin teori* hahaha. HUFT. Seriously dude, I need something to do.